Food processing and packaging

Freshness, shelf life and quality assurance

Food processing

Vacuum technologies play an important role in food processing and packaging as they help to extend the shelf life of food, improve quality and ensure food safety. Vacuum pumps are used in various applications to create a controlled vacuum environment and reduce oxygen levels.

A common application of vacuum pumps in food processing is vacuum packaging. Here, a vacuum is created in food packaging to reduce the oxygen content. The reduced oxygen content slows down the oxidative degradation of food and prevents the growth of aerobic microorganisms, which extends the shelf life of the food. This is particularly important for perishable foods such as meat, fish, cheese and bread. Vacuum packaging machines use vacuum pumps to remove the air from the packaging and then seal it.

Another application is the freeze-drying of food. In freeze-drying, water is removed from frozen food under vacuum. This process enables long-term preservation of food without the use of preservatives. Vacuum pumps play a crucial role in generating and maintaining the required vacuum during the freeze-drying process.

Vacuum pumps are also used to extract ingredients from food. By using a vacuum, valuable components such as aromas, colorants or oils can be extracted from plant or animal raw materials. This is done by bringing the material into contact with a solvent, which evaporates at low pressure and is then recovered in a condensation system. Vacuum pumps play an important role in generating and maintaining the required vacuum during the extraction process.

In addition, vacuum pumps are used in food processing to support certain processing steps. For example, vacuum is used to degas liquids such as juices or sauces to remove excess gases that can lead to changes in taste, consistency or color. Vacuum pumps also play a role in the packaging of food in containers such as jars or cans to ensure a longer shelf life.