Leak test

We test your product and find your leak


Wir prüfen Ihr Produkt und finden Ihre Leckage

Helium leak test

High-quality components place high demands on tightness in order to prevent the unwanted ingress of moisture and foreign bodies. The leakage of harmful substances from the components must also be prevented.

The tightness of the components can be tested by exposing them to helium. The use of modern helium leak detectors makes it possible to determine leak rates of up to 10-10 mbar*l/s.

We offer the following methods for determining leak tightness

  • Pressure rise measurement
  • Pressure drop measurement
  • Integral leak rate determination in the bombing test (test gas enrichment)
  • Integral leak rate determination in the vacuum test

Further services in the area of leak testing

  • Repair and maintenance of helium leak detectors
  • Certification of standard helium leaks
  • Loan equipment for leak detection